The Comic, a new play by Mark Schiff and directed by Mark Herrier, is a poignant and hilariously realistic look at the life of a stand-up on the road. Larry Miller, last year’s USCAF winner for Best Actor in a Film, stars as comedian Sydney J. Katz. After 23 years on the road, he finds himself out of work and stuck in a Tacoma hotel room with a stranger from room service named Mike, played by Henri Lubatti. With no gig in sight, Sid and Mike battle their demons, causing their lives to be changed forever. This fascinating look into the world of The Comic was first performed at arcade, a workspace for theatre and media arts in Los Angeles, and created a great deal of excitement during its initial run. Produced by Alexis Genya and arcade, The Comic takes you inside the microphone.
Comments 3
I saw you tonight at the Chicago club. I talked to Millie and I understand she is using you again this summer. I would need you for Wed night Feb.19, 2014. to do 15 to 20 Min.I book for the New York Club. My cell is 949 290 1336 home 949 470 0312. I just notice that you will be in Atlantic City in July. So will I. We have a condo on the ocean and we go back to NJ for July and Aug.
Email me at I would love to work if I am available
Hello Mark.
Where can I buy a copy of The Comic for consideration for production?
Best wishes,
John G.