The Comic, a new play by Mark Schiff and directed by Mark Herrier, is a poignant and hilariously realistic look at the life of a stand-up on the road. Larry Miller,
Articles by Mark Schiff: The Nineteen Boxes
My mother died July 9,1999. I remember coming home that Friday afternoon from picking up Shabbat flowers. I was parking my car when I saw my wife walking out of the house to greet me.
Something to Laugh About
An insider’s look at the world of Jewish comedy. “I’ll tell you. I don’t get no respect. My mother stopped breast-feeding me as a kid. She told me she liked me like a friend.” (Rodney Dangerfield)
I Used To Have A Life
I was looking at my three boys the other day as they argued over the remote control. One of them yelled, “Hey, give me that, you little rat.” It made me think that if this is any indication of how they will conduct
Purim All Year
“Comedy is when you accidentally fall off a cliff and die. Tragedy is when I have a hangnail.” – Mel Brooks People love to laugh. I know this for a fact, because that’s what I do for a living. I make them laugh. But, big hearty laughter, out in public, is not something that’s really accepted. If you see a …
Rest In Peace
I don’t know what women have that is the equivalent to a man relaxing. My experience is most women don’t ever seem to relax. They don’t ever seem to stop doing things. Their reason, as my mother was famous for saying, is “If I don’t do it,
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